

Monday, July 16, 2012

Arang and the Magistrate’s poster and behind-the-scenes photos

This newly released poster for Arang and the Magistrate may look ethereal and romantic, but as we know from the drama’s teaser, those are just two adjectives of many that describe the genre-mixing fantasy drama. Others include: quirky, comic, ghostly, action-packed, and fast-paced.
The poster copy reads “A fateful beginning, a truth greater than you imagined.” I suppose we can add mysterious to the adjective pile, because the premise hints at a secret behind the death of our heroine, Arang the ghost (Shin Mina), who doesn’t remember or know the reason for her murder. That makes it tricky when she appeals to the young magistrate Eun-oh (Lee Jun-ki) to help figure it all out. I find it interesting that the poster applies a fuzzy, romantic glow when it appears the heroine’s a grittier type of character than the goddess-like image makes her out to be. And we know from the preview that she’s hot-tempered and maybe a little badass, too. Which makes her that much more interesting in my eyes.
Below are more behind-the-scenes stills from the drama, which is being filmed in the thick of summer heat. Oy. I don’t envy anybody filming a drama right now, but it’s especially bad for sageuk performers, who’ve got to deal with all the layers of clothing. I don’t know how the stars look so refreshed, ice packs and mini-fans notwithstanding; in the summer it’s thick clothing and hot lights, in the winter it’s freezing sets with no heat, but I guess that’s the price you pay for being a star. Sure, the fame and piles of money don’t hurt, either.
Arang and the Magistrate follows I Do, I Do on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but thanks to the Summer Olympics there’ll be several weeks between the ending of I Do (it wraps this week) and Arang’s premiere on August 15. Time to catch up on all the dramas you’re behind on! Or, you know, I guess you could sleep.