

Monday, July 16, 2012

Time-slipping Dr. Jin wants more time

More episodes of Dr. Jin? I’d ask if those producers are high, but if you’ve seen the show, I think you’ll already know.
I particularly wonder at the reasoning because Dr. Jin isn’t pulling super ratings. The fusion-historical-medical-unintentionally-hilarious weekend drama has okay numbers (its most recent episode pulled a 13.2% rating), but those on their own aren’t high enough to merit extension talk. Especially with its direct competitor, A Gentleman’s Dignity, claiming the higher ratings (it broke 20%) and the buzz.
Also, have you SEEN the show? It’s insane. I mean that in as literal a way you can about a drama; there’s brain damage up in that hizzy, or at least I’m thinking there has to be with such a random hodgepodge of genres, stories, and unbalanced tones.
Still, MBC wants two more episodes, and now they’re in the “actor negotiation” phase. The proceedings are reportedly looking promising if you’re going by media reports, though there are rumors that some of the cast members aren’t thusly inclined. One unnamed actor’s management went as far as to say an extension was “impossible,” although it appears the producers and broadcasters really want to get the extra hours.
Story-wise, we’re dealing with rather self-contained episodes and mini-arcs because of the disease-of-the-day format of the show, so I’m thinking it wouldn’t be too much of a trial to whip up a few more conflicts. Er, I mean conflicts that are on par with the show as is, not on par with, you know, a drama that’s actually decently executed.
So, I’m sure the writers can rustle up a few more royals with brain injuries or epidemics sweeping the nation. Dr. Jin has already cobbled together primitive versions of modern medical gear like stethoscopes; maybe he can use the extra week to invent something more complicated. Like a crude pacemaker, or MRI technology. Hey, he’s a resourceful genius; he can make it work. Just don’t ask him to multitask his medical job alongside the romancin’, because we all know which one wins out in that scenario. Hippocratic oath be damned. (“Look, I’ll get back to your brain surgery inaminnit, okay? I’ve just got to finish flirting with my twice-in-a-lifetime honey. Your open head wound will hold.”)
So far the extension is unfinalized and the drama is still slated for its original 20 episodes, of which 14 have aired. The drama to follow is May Queen, the shipping-industry-set series starring Han Ji-hye, Jae Hee, and Kim Jae-won.