

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jeremy Scott- Adidas -2NE1

K-pop may or may not be taking over the world (read this article from Nylon USA; it definitely makes you want to jump on the K-pop bandwagon), but 2NE1 clearly are. They’re huge in Korea, Black Eyed Peas’ Will.I.Am ischampioning them in America, and now hugely influential designer Jeremy Scott has got them modelling internationally for a range he’s launched with Adidas.
The range is called Originals by Originals and 2ne1 have been noted by Scott as being “the celebrities that best model all of my fashion designs, from my high fashion to my street fashion. They have a difficult-to-express kind of magic.” The line consists of a jumble of highly colourful, outlandish sport and streetwear that is typical of 2NE1, and is reminiscent of many of the more outrageous items many young Koreans can be spotted sporting in Seoul.
I haven’t wanted to wear trackies and trainers since I decided I wanted to be in The Spice Girls in 1997.
Until now, innit.
Images: Adidas Originals