

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Nails

The strong and beautiful nails are an Incarnation for good health, in which every stylish woman cares about, and try to do her best to show their beauty.
This is not only with the long nails, but also for the short. The nails are mainly consists of particular skin protein substance which is known as keratin, water takes 15% of this substance beside a percentage of mineral salts, while calcium does not have a great importance in the formation of the nails. However, it enters in some vital processes which could help other body systems to carry out important functions that might have an indirect impact on the growth of the nails. Thus, it’s clear that relationship between Calcium and the growth of the nails seemed to be indirect relation. Nevertheless, when there is lack of Calcium (and this usually happens when there is deficiency in vitamin D), which would make the hair and the nails to lose some of their flexibility, which may lead them to get fractured easily. The healthy nails are hard, smooth and sleek with slight roundness. Where there are no edges or fractures, with unified color, spotless and without any change in color.
  • How to prevent broken nails to keep your nails healthy

Always wear rubber gloves while washing the dishes, as putting the nails in the water is consider to be the main enemy for the nails, also cleaning substances remove the fats that are need for the strengthen your nails. If you feel high moistness while wearing the rubber gloves as result of hands sweat, in that case, you can wear thin cotton gloves under the rubber gloves, in order to absorb the moistness and to protect your nails.
cotton gloves
Choose nail polish remover acetone free, as the acetone causes nails to be dryness and make it more prone to be broken. When you start to remove the nail polish use a piece of cotton witted the nail polish remover substance then put it on the nail and leave it for a little while in order to maker the removal of the nail polish more easy, then press on the piece of cotton and start mop up the nail polish from inside to outside.
File the nails from inside to outside means that you should go from the corner to the center in one direction, and avoid filing in a random way from inside to outside and vice versa as this would weaken the nails and chapped .
Keep cleaning your nails whether by tooth brush or by immersing your hands in worm water with soap, as the accumulated dust under the nails would weaken them .
Get rid of the cuticles which surrounds the nail, and do not exaggerate in removing it to avoid infection .
If the nails were brittle you should trim and cut them. In case you have any problems with your nails try to keep them short till they regain to their normal state .
Do not use your nails as tools, even the most powerful nails cannot resist for long time, when it is used opener or a scraper try to take few minutes to find the right tool for the work you’re doing instead of exposing your nails to the risk of fracture .
Put your clean nails in a small bowl that contains olive oil, and leave it inside it for 10 minutes, then wipe the remained oil on the fingers using a piece of cotton .
put-clean-nails-in- small-bowl-that-contains-olive-oil
Use a soft side of the nail file to activate blood circulation of the nail , Apply a hand cream as it helps to maintain a high proportion of fatty substances in your nails. Do not forget to rub every nail separately with some cream especially in the winter.
rub every nail separately with some cream especially in the winter
Put a layer of intensive hand cream, once a week. After applying a layer of that cream on your hand wear a white cotton gloves (which is available in the pharmacies) this cream penetrates into the skin and the nails and strengthen them.
Be careful while manicuring the nails, a never remover the nail polish harshly, wash your nails quite well after handling chemical compounds that may cause change the colors of the nails.
Treat the fun fungal and skin diseases that affect the nails and the surrounding skin as soon as possible as this may cause some changes in the nails.
Take drugs that contains iron and calcium compounds during pregnancy and suckling and also in convalescence period.
nails drugs
Nails represent a great problem for those who use the typewriter or computer, so try to type with the bottom of your finger .
Also do not pick up the coins using your nails, instead you should move it in the beginning then pick it up..
Its better not to use the artificial nails as it weaken the natural nails and prone them to be broken and also to the infection with fungal diseases. since The nails take long time till it regain its strength and return to its normal state, it is advised to use tonics for strengthen the nails which contains proteins as it would give great results .
  • The shape and the color of the nature nails indicate to the disease which it suffer from:

The shape and the color of the nature nails
1 – The pale and dull nails in which there is a lot of white spots indicates for the infection of Anemia due to the lack of iron in the body
2 – The blue or the gray nails denotes for a heart or lungs diseases
3 – The greenish nails denotes a bacterial or fungal infection
4 – The black nails indicates to a fungal infection, and if there is a black or dark blue spot beside the base of the nail it might be caused as result of injury or due to pressure on the nail. The presence of small black mottle with the sharp edge in the nail are often caused by a minor injury, and in some rare cases it is caused by disturbances in the thrombosis of blood, or infection that hits the heart valves
5 –  The yellow or the brown nails: denotes for the infection with psoriasis or alopecia diseases or lack of the albuminous substances or defection in the liver or the heart functions, also it might be caused from the nicotine of the cigarettes
-6 – Downward curving nail ends denotes deficiency in the blood circulation.
7 - The thick nails: it might be as result of problems in the blood circulation which is syndrome with the arteriosclerosis
8 – The Flat nails characterized by being Brittle and it takes the spoon shape and this sometimes resulted due to poor nutrition such as lack iron substance in the body .
9- Nails raised at the base shows a respiratory disorder, or it may be resulted from skin diseases such as psoriasis and lichen or from a chronic infection in the nails basis .
10 – the cuts that pass through the nails denotes that the person might have caught cold .
11 – The thick and downward curving toenails ends: It happened naturally due to senility or as result of the high pressure on the feet because of wearing shoes with inappropriate size.
12 – The Brittle nails: it may be one of the symptoms of a hidden disease such as the fungal
  • The toe nails that grow from inside (the nails are embedded inside the skin ):

It is toe nails that grow within the surrounding skin and sometimes it cause an infection, and pain that may cause movement disability.
Such case may be caused as result of wearing a shoes with smaller size than what it should be, and also can be as result of injuries, fungal infection, or some deformities in the foot structure, and also pressing and jumping on the foot frequently while playing sports. However, the most famous cause for such case is cutting the nails in inappropriate way. Thus, the best ways to cut the toenails is by using a special nail cutter for it, and avoid using the scissors. Cut the toe nail in a straight line along the nail in which the nails should be little longer than the skin edges of the fingers, avoid cutting the nails in curve shape so that it would be too short, in order to ease the pain for nails that are grown under the skin .
- Make warm compresses on your foot or immerse them in warm water to soften the pain and the swelling .
- Holding the foot up also can be useful .
- Immersing the foot in water soften the nail till it enables you to put a small piece of cotton which will help in comforting the foot and allow the nail to grow outside the skin without having pressure on the adjacent skin.
- If the skin that surround the nails is infected with microbes, you have to see the doctor, as it might needed a small surgery to cut a piece of the nail that grows under the flesh.

Prescriptions and mixtures for strengthening and beautifying the nails:

Olive oil for nails nutrition to increase its hardness

  • The ingredients :
3 teaspoons of olive oil
Olive oil for nails nutrition
3 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar
teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar
One egg yolk
egg yolk
  • The preparation:

Mix the ingredients well, and keep it in the refrigerator. Use this mixture frequently by applying it on the nails and surrounding tissue, using a piece of cotton .

The Prescription of oils enriched with protein for healthy nails care

  • The ingredients:
One egg yolk
egg yolk
4 teaspoons of table salt
4 teaspoons of Castor oil
Castor oil
One teaspoon of liquid honey
teaspoon of liquid honey
One teaspoon of wheat germ oil
teaspoon of wheat germ oil
  • Preparation:

Mix the ingredients well and keep it in a bottle
Its better to apply that mixture at least 2-3 time weekly, and it would be better to apply it at night before sleeping, make sure that apply it several time in every time you use it. That means you apply one layer then leave it till it dry then repeat it several times.
That mixture is considered as a useful nutrition for the nails, as it works on strengthen the nails and to maintain its health, and increases its resistance to cracks and injuries.
  • Useful food for your nails :

It is important for every person to eat foods enriched with iron, calcium, Vitamin B and potassium as all these foodstuffs are not only useful for the nails but also for the rest of the body. These foodstuffs are represented in Soya beans, celery, yogurt, eggs and seafood. Other sorts of food which is important to strengthen the nails and it nutrition are almonds, garlic, spinach, tuna, and cinnamon. As for The gelatin does not help in the growth of the nails .
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